Let’s hope so. But don’t be too disappointed if our quiet and happy times are interrupted by some Flies, Wasps, Bees, Ants, Etc.

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Every year without fail, as the weather changes for the worse, the office phones ring with customer who have discovered Mouse or Rat droppings or damage in their garden sheds or garages.

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Spring is soon upon us, lets not forget the little guys… those smaller pests which may seem harmless a first but can cause havoc in your family home.

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We can all enjoy the promise of a warm summer. I get the feeling that we will be spending as much time as possible outside over the next few months. The gardens will be looking great and the BBQs will be on. However, one of Britain’s most feared and potentially aggressive pests, will be on the prowl – ‘THE WASP’.

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pigeon case study

Lee Branson of LB Contracts and the site manager of Woodley’s Yard in Higham Ferrers, Northants, called our offices to enquire about our Clearing Up After Pigeon Activity service. He had been recommended by a longstanding client of ours who had been very happy with our range of services over the years.

Lee had quite rightly recognised that, conditions inside the building, were unstable and dangerous for his maintenance crew to operate in a safe environment, so we arranged to meet with Lee on site and carry out a survey of the premises, completely free of charge, with a view to quoting him to solve his problem.

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We all have nosey neighbours on our street and we would all rather they didn’t find out that we may have a rodent issue or an insect infestation our property.

A lot of company’s plaster their services all over their vehicles in the hope of a neighbour or passer by sees it and calls them. Read more


Not too many months ago Terry, the site manager of a local northamptonshire company, called us to say that they were experiencing a heavy rodent infestation in one of their warehouses.

If you own or manage any type of commercial property, be it a café, restaurant, warehouse, offices or indeed any work area that employs staff and/or invites members of the public to visit, please do not neglect your responsibilities and remember that any individual spending time on your site, whether staff or not, is ultimately […]

There can be nothing more infuriating than scratching an itch that never seems to go away.

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Usually the odd fly doesn’t bother us, it’s only when we notice a few flies buzzing about the place that we get annoyed.

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