Pigeon Problems – Case Study

During the Coved 19 “lockdown” of April/May 2020, a longstanding commercial client of ours decided to take advantage of the enforced break and have a long overdue clear out and clean up of their Rushden premises and pigeon problem. Good plan. It all went well and because the business had been forced to shut and some staff were still available and keen to work, the Big Clean only took a couple of weeks. One thing led to another and the company ended up redecorating the offices and the customer reception area, even the warehouse didn’t escape their attention, starting to look unrecognisably clean and tidy by the time they’d finished.

But it became visibly apparent, over the proceeding weeks, that Feral Pigeons had started to take up residence in the warehouse roof area, this resulted in Pigeon Gauno or droppings, contaminating stock and machinery. Nesting materials, droppings and feathers were beginning to undo all the hard work the staff had put in and ruin the newly painted look of the warehouse.

All this was bad enough but it wasn’t obvious to the Manager or his staff members, that the diseases, spread by these birds and their droppings, were a high risk health hazard to customers and staff alike.

When the Manager called me, to discuss what could be done about the mess, I was able to point out the hidden seriousness of the growing bird problem and the implications health wise. It was just as well we were all wearing facemasks and gloves at that time because of the Coronavirus because:

  • Histoplasmosis, carried in the guano, is a respiratory disease that may be fatal. It results from a fungus growing in dried bird droppings. It is a dimorphic fungus that can be either in yeast form or in filamentous form.
  • Candidiasis is a yeast or fungus infection spread by pigeons.
  • The micro-organisms carried by Pigeons and contained in Psittacosis can be lethal to humans.
  • Salmonellosis can be contracted through their droppings.

Over a coffee, in the Managers office, we were able to come up with a firm plan that would allow a team of technicians to tackle the present bird problem by, neutralizing the ingredients of the airborne organisms, removing nests and contaminated materials and stop this dangerous problem from arising again.

A quotation was supplied and accepted and Health & Safety measures and a time scale agreed upon. Then, in the hottest period so far this year, the Pestwise team put on disposable suits, gloves, breathing apparatus and any other item that would cause our core temperature to rise and went to work.

All toxic materials such as droppings and nesting materials, were disposed of under licence, the data and COSHH sheets were provided along with Risk Assessments forms and copies of all other relevant documents. We all lost half a stone in weight each due to the hot working conditions and long hours, so it was a win-win situation.

Can you imagine the complications that could have ensued if this customer, a member of his staff or even a visiting client had contracted any of the serious diseases caused by this particular Pest Problem?

The problems with Bird Pests can be:

  • Fouling from droppings damaging raw materials, finished goods or stored stock.
  • Droppings on paved areas, causing a slip hazard.
  • Corrosion of paintwork on builds, signs, vehicles and insulation in roof voids.
  • Spread of diseases, viruses, parasites, ticks and mites.
  • Contamination of work surfaces in and around collection and delivery bays.
  • Blocked drainage systems caused by nests, guano or dead birds, bringing about internal leaks, metal and timber corrosion.

All “bird work” is carried out by competent, trained and insured specialists. Gull and Pigeon proofing can be installed, Anti-roosting systems such as spikes and/or nets supplied and installed, Bird alarm calls and kites can be supplied and fitted, culling of pest species and clearing of waste, disposal of droppings, nesting materials and/or spoilt stock under licence, are all part of what we do safely and discreetly.

We have a “tailored to your requirements” service just waiting to be delivered in a safe, discreet and legally compliant manner by fully trained operatives.

Call Pestwise on 01933 388177 to discuss the solution to your problem or click here to send an equiry www.pestwise.co.uk/contact/